Monday 7 March 2016

Monday 07/03/16 Work

In Jims lesson, ima do some sketchup work and finish up with the model I was making of the skatepark. In Gills lesson, ima do some work on the computers in the library and work on my Self Evaluation Form.

^---- (Not Finished) ----^

3 Personal Logos

Thursday 3 March 2016

Salvaged Grass Design (PROJECT3)

More SketchUp Work (PROJECT3)

More SketchUp Work.
This is the Skatepark model I have been working on in SketchUp. It has a few of my textures imported onto the models. I might decide to add a fence around the model or add a skybox.

Thursday 03/03/16 Work


Today I  am carrying on with my Skatepark Model that I have been working on in SketchUp.

I have taken photos of the floor outside and textures on the ramps at the local skatepark. I am then starting to import them onto the models to give them textures.